As I reflect on the past year, I am especially proud of the ³È×ÓÓ°Ôº, its mission, and the impact UMass has had on hundreds of thousands of lives – my own, included.
I enrolled at what is now UMass Lowell in 1974, so for nearly 50 years, I have marveled at this university’s ability to transform lives and be an educational and economic engine in every region of the Commonwealth.
Over the past 50 years, the scale of the UMass mission of education, research and service has grown in ways that are almost unimaginable. This epic growth is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our UMass students, faculty, staff and leadership, past and present. We have also benefited from the support of state government, the business community -- and many other good friends.
UMass family and friends have banded together to build the five-campus system that today serves 74,000 students and each year:
- Awards 18,000 degrees
- Conducts $752 million in research
- Injects more than $7.5 billion into the ³È×ÓÓ°Ôº economy
Because of our achievements and because of you, we were recently named the top public university in New England in the Times Higher Education rankings. Not for the second or third time, but for the 9th year in a row.
While ³È×ÓÓ°Ôº is blessed with many fine colleges and universities, no other higher education institution drives the Commonwealth like UMass. Of our 530,000 alumni, 330,000 live right here in ³È×ÓÓ°Ôº – that’s roughly 1 in 20 residents with a UMass degree.
More than 80 percent of our undergraduate students come from ³È×ÓÓ°Ôº. Four out of 10 are students of color. And the state’s innovation and technology future is being created at UMass today, with nearly one third of our students preparing to earn degrees in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields.
Looking back at 2022, I see a period of great success. I believe that UMass has been true to its mission in every respect. The university’s accomplishments and activities were impressive and wide-ranging.